C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Accounts of chemical research, 2019
A Adamou, A Nicolaides, C Varotsis
Minerals Engineering 132, 39-47, 2019
Probing hemoglobin glyco-products by fluorescence spectroscopy A Ioannou, C Varotsis
RSC Advances 9 (64), 37614-37619, 2019
M Papageorgiou, C Tselios, C Varotsis
RSC advances 9 (47), 27391-27397, 2019
C Tselios, M Papageorgiou, C Varotsis
RSC Advances 9 (33), 19121-19125, 2019
A Nicolaides, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
RSC advances 9 (9), 4776-4780, 2019
A Ioannou, C Varotsis
Polyphenols in Plants, 317-325, 2019
M Constantinou, P Nikolaou, L Koutsokeras, A Avgeropoulos, …
Nanomaterials 8 (4), 209, 2018
Modifications of hemoglobin and myoglobin by Maillard reaction products (MRPs) A Ioannou, C Varotsis
PloS one 12 (11), e0188095, 2017
A Ioannou, V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Journal of Molecular Structure 1141, 634-642, 2017
A Nicolaides, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Springer-Verlag, 2017
A Nicolaides, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1857 (9), 1534-1540, 2016
A Adamou, G Manos, N Messios, L Georgiou, C Xydas, C Varotsis
Bioresource technology 214, 852-855, 2016
A Ioannou, C Varotsis
Journal of International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition & Health 3 (2), 2016
Real time monitoring the Maillard reaction intermediates by HPLC-FTIR A Ioannou, C Varotsis
CA OMICS International, 2016
A Nicolaides, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
International journal of molecular sciences 17 (10), 1657, 2016
Structure and properties of the catalytic site of nitric oxide reductase at ambient temperature V Daskalakis, T Ohta, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1847 (10), 1240-1244, 2015
I Vyrides, E Xenofontos, MD Tsolakidou, IS Pantelides, C Varotsis, …
Minerals Engineering 79, 84-87, 2015
Photobiochemical Production of Carbon Monoxide by Thermus thermophilus ba3‐Cytochrome c Oxidase C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (13), 4958-4961, 2015
A Nicolaides, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (12), 8113-8119, 2015
Nitric oxide activation by caa 3 oxidoreductase from Thermus thermophilus T Ohta, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (16), 10894-10898, 2015
C Varotsis, C Giangou, S Papadatos, E Xenofontos, I Vyrides, G Manos, …
New Biotechnology, S139, 2014
Probing the mechanism of acrylamide formation by HPLC-FTIR and Raman spectroscopy A Ioannou, A Ioannou, C Varotsis
Springer, 2014
Probing the Action of Cytochrome c Oxidase V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
The Structural Basis of Biological Energy Generation, 187-198, 2014
E Pinakoulaki, V Daskalakis, T Ohta, OMH Richter, K Budiman, …
Journal of Biological Chemistry 288 (28), 20261-20266, 2013
C Varotsis, E Pinakoulaki, V Daskalakis, T Ohta, OM Richter, K Budiman, …
The Febs Journal 280 (1), 2013
C Varotsis, E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, T Kitagawa
The FASEB Journal 27 (1_supplement), lb64-lb64, 2013
The structure of the hyponitrite in nitric oxide reductase (NOR) E Daskalakis, C Varotsis
C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (44), 37495-37507, 2012
Tuning heme functionality: the cases of Cytochrome c Oxidase and Myoglobin Oxidation V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, C Varotsis
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 304-315, 2012
Non-linear vibrational modes in biomolecules: A periodic orbits description A Kampanarakis, SC Farantos, V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Chemical Physics 399, 258-263, 2012
The origin of the FeIV= O intermediates in cytochrome aa3 oxidase E Pinakoulaki, V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1817 (4), 552-557, 2012
Non-linear vibrational modes in biomolecules: a periodic orbits description SC Farantos, A Kampanarakis, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
Elsevier, 2012
origin of the Feᴵⱽ= O intermediates in cytochrome aa₃ oxidase E Pinakoulaki, V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Biochimica et biophysica acta, 2012
The origin of the Fe IV= O intermediates in cytochrome aa 3 oxidase C Varotsis, E Pinakoulaki, E Daskalakis
Elsevier, 2012
C Koutsoupakis, O Kolaj-Robin, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 286 (35), 30600-30605, 2011
Regulation of electron and proton transfer by the protein matrix of cytochrome c oxidase V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (13), 3648-3655, 2011
Regulation of electron and proton transfer by the protein matrix of cytochrome C oxidase SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
ACS Publications, 2011
O Kolaj-Robin, T Soulimane, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011
E Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Vibrational resonances and Cu B displacement controlled by proton motion in cytochrome c oxidase SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
ACS Publications, 2010
QM/MM Calculations on Cyto-chrome c Oxidase: Probing of electron and proton pump coupling E Daskalakis, SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis
Vibrational resonances and CuB displacement controlled by proton motion in cytochrome c oxidase V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (2), 1136-1143, 2009
V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
International journal of molecular sciences 10 (9), 4137-4156, 2009
M Porrini, V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (35), 12129-12135, 2009
C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
MDPI, 2009
E Daskalakis, C Varotsis
E Daskalakis, SC Farantos, V Guallar, C Varotsis
M Wikstrom, C Varotsis, V Daskalakis, E Pinakoulaki
J Biol Inorg Chem 14 (1), S11-S20, 2009
V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, C Varotsis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (37), 12385-12393, 2008
Nitric oxide activation and reduction by heme–copper oxidoreductases and nitric oxide reductase E Pinakoulaki, C Varotsis
Journal of inorganic biochemistry 102 (5-6), 1277-1287, 2008
Resonance Raman spectroscopy of nitric oxide reductase and cbb 3 heme-copper oxidase E Pinakoulaki, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (6), 1851-1857, 2008
SC Farantos, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
ACS Publications, 2008
V Daskalakis, SC Farantos, C Varotsis
AIP Conference Proceedings 963 (2), 31-34, 2007
Probing the Environment of CuB in Heme−Copper Oxidases E Pinakoulaki, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
ACS Publications
The Structure of the Hyponitrite Species in a Heme Fe Cu Binuclear Center C Varotsis, T Ohta, T Kitagawa, T Soulimane, E Pinakoulaki
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 46 (13), 2210-2214, 2007
Probing the environment of Cu B in heme-copper oxidases E Pinakoulaki, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
ACS Publications, 2007
The structure of the hyponitrite species in a heme Fe-Cu binuclear center T Ohta, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Wiley, 2007
SC Farantos, C Varotsis, E Daskalakis
AIP, 2007
E Pinakoulaki, H Yoshimura, V Daskalakis, S Yoshioka, S Aono, …
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (40), 14796-14801, 2006
E Pinakoulaki, H Yoshimura, S Yoshioka, S Aono, C Varotsis
Biochemistry 45 (25), 7763-7766, 2006
T Ohta, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Inorganic chemistry 45 (8), 3187-3190, 2006
Diogygen activation and bond cleavage in cell respiration as probed by resonance raman spectroscopy E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, E Daskalakis, M Aggelaki, T Kitagawa, B Ludwig, …
E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (43), 15161-15167, 2005
E Pinakoulaki, C Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, M Aggelaki, G Papadopoulos, …
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in …, 2005
E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, V Daskalakis, I Gialou, T Kitagawa, T Soulimane, …
BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 88 (1), 391A-391A, 2005
Resonance Raman Detection of the Fe2+−C−N Modes in Heme−Copper Oxidases: A Probe of the Active Site E Pinakoulaki, M Vamvouka, C Varotsis
Inorganic chemistry 43 (16), 4907-4910, 2004
E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (22), 22791-22794, 2004
T Ohta, E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (18), 5489-5491, 2004
C Koutsoupakis, E Pinakoulaki, S Stavrakis, V Daskalakis, C Varotsis
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1655, 347-352, 2004
C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Biophysical journal 86 (4), 2438-2444, 2004
T Ohta, E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, T Soulimane, T Kitagawa, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (22), 22791-22794, 2004
E Pinakoulaki, T Ohta, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 2004
T Soulimane, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
Elsevier, 2004
E Pinakoulaki, C Varotsis
Biochemistry 42 (50), 14856-14861, 2003
C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (48), 14728-14732, 2003
Docking site dynamics of ba3-cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (38), 36806-36809, 2003
E Pinakoulaki, M Vamvouka, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (36), 9865-9868, 2003
E Pinakoulaki, U Pfitzner, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (21), 18761-18766, 2003
K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (17), 14893-14896, 2003
C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003
Docking site dynamics of ba3-cytochrome c oxidase from thermus thermophilus T Soulimane, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003
T Soulimane, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
ACS Publications, 2003
E Pinakoulaki, U Pfitzner, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (21), 18761-18766, 2003
Oxygen-linked Equilibrium CuB-CO Species in Cytochrome ba3 Oxidase from Thermus thermophilus K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Direct Detection of Fe (IV) O Intermediates in the Cytochrome aa E Pinakoulaki, U Pfitzner, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (17), 14893-14896, 2003
C Koutsoupakis, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
S Stavrakis, E Pinakoulaki, A Urbani, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (50), 12860-12862, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (36), 32867-32874, 2002
K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (36), 32860-32866, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, S Stavrakis, A Urbani, C Varotsis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (32), 9378-9379, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, S Gemeinhardt, M Saraste, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (26), 23407-23413, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, U Pfitzner, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
Journal of biological chemistry 277 (16), 13563-13568, 2002
S Stavrakis, K Koutsoupakis, E Pinakoulaki, A Urbani, M Saraste, …
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (15), 3814-3815, 2002
DFT Study of endoperoxides and their in-termediates in Fe (II) cleavage of the endoperoxy bridge E Daskalakis, G Frudakis, C Varotsis
Antimalarial endoperoxides: synthesis and implications of the mode of action I Gialou, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
ARKAT USA, Inc., 2002
S Stavrakis, C Varotsis, C Koutsoupakis
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, S Gemeinhardt, M Saraste, C Varotsis
K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (36), 32860-32866, 2002
E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (36), 32867-32874, 2002
Observation of the Equilibrium Cu K Koutsoupakis, S Stavrakis, E Pinakoulaki, T Soulimane, C Varotsis
Antimalarial endoperoxides: synthesis and implications of the mode of action C Koutsoupakis, I Gialou, E Pavlidou, S Kapetanaki, C Varotsis
Arkivoc 13, 62-69, 2002
S Kapetanaki, C Varotsis
Journal of medicinal chemistry 44 (19), 3150-3156, 2001
Ferryl–oxo heme intermediate in the antimalarial mode of action of artemisinin S Kapetanaki, C Varotsis
FEBS letters 474 (2-3), 238-241, 2000
JPM Schelvis, CA Varotsis
Chemical Physics Letters 321 (1-2), 37-42, 2000
C Varotsis, M Vamvouka
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (19), 3942-3946, 1999
T Iwase, C Varotsis, Y Kim, K Shinzawa-Itoh, S Yoshikawa, T Kitagawa
M Vamvouka, W Müller, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103 (15), 3030-3034, 1999
T Iwase, C Varotsis, K Shinzawa-Itoh, S Yoshikawa, T Kitagawa
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (6), 1415-1416, 1999
M Vamvouka, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1999
M Vamvouka, W Muller, B Ludwig, C Varotsis
Journal of Physical Chemistry B-Condensed Phase 103 (15), 3030-3034, 1999
Resonance Raman scattering from heme o complexes and cytochrome bo 3 oxidase W Wu, C Chang, C Varotsis
Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1999
Resonance Raman Scattering from Heme O Complexes and Cytochrome bo3 0xidase C Varotsis, W Wu, CK Chang, GT Babcock, M Wikström, A Puustinen
Laser Chemistry 19 (1-4), 227-228, 1999
C Varotsis, M Vamvouka
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (39), 7670-7673, 1998
M Vamvouka, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1998
Ligand Dynamics in the Binuclear Site in Cytochrome Oxidase GT Babcock, G Deinum, J Hosler, Y Kim, M Pressler, DA Proshlyakov, …
Oxygen Homeostasis and its Dynamics, 47-56, 1998
JPM Schelvis, G Deinum, CA Varotsis, S Ferguson-Miller, GT Babcock
Journal of the American Chemical Society 119 (36), 8409-8416, 1997
Dioxygen activation in enzymatic systems and in inorganic models GT Babcock, R Floris, T Nilsson, M Pressler, C Varotsis, E Vollenbroek
Inorganica chimica acta 243 (1-2), 345-353, 1996
D Kreszowski, G Babcock, C Varotsis
Wiley, 1996
C Varotsis, DH Kreszowski, GT Babcock
Biospectroscopy 2 (5), 331-338, 1996
Resonance Raman spectroscopy of the heme groups of cytochrome cbb3 in Rhodobacter sphaeroides C Varotsis, GT Babcock, JA Garcia-Horsman, RB Gennis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99 (46), 16817-16820, 1995
CA Varotsis, GT Babcock
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (45), 11260-11269, 1995
Resonance raman spectroscopy of the heme groups of cytochrome cbb3 in hodobacter sphaeroides G Babcock, JA García-Horsman, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1995
G Babcock, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1995
G Babcock, M Lauraeus, C Varotsis
Elsevier, 1995
Nickel Coordination Chemistry with Oxothiolate Ligands and Its Relevance to Hydrogenase Enzymes JH Chou, C Varotsis, MG Kanatzidis
Bioinorganic Chemistry, 333-348, 1995
Photodissociated Cytochrome bo Oxidase: A Time-Resolved Raman Study of the FE-HIS Stretching Mode C Varotsis, DH Kreszowski, GT Babcock, A Puustinen, M Wikström
Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, 129-130, 1995
JH Liao, C Varotsis, MG Kanatzidis
Inorganic Chemistry 32 (11), 2453-2462, 1993
MG Kanatzidis, J Liao, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1993
Resolution of the reaction sequence during the reduction of O2 by cytochrome oxidase Y Zhang, E Appelman, C Varotsis
National Academy of Sciences, 1993
Dioxygen activation and reduction by cytochrome oxidase G Babcock, C Varotsis
Elsevier BV, 1993
Dioxygen Reduction by Cytochrome Oxidase: A Proton-Transfer Limited Reaction C Varotsis, GT Babcock
Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules …, 1993
[17] Nanosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy CV Arotsis, GT Babcock
Methods in enzymology 226, 409-431, 1993
Resolution of the reaction sequence during the reduction of O2 by cytochrome oxidase C Varotsis, Y Zhang, EH Appelman, GT Babcock
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (1), 237-241, 1993
M Lauraeus, M Wikstrom, C Varotsis, MMJ Tecklenburg, GT Babcock
Biochemistry 31 (41), 10054-10060, 1992
O2 activation in cytochrome oxidase and in other heme proteins GT Babcock, C Varotsis, Y Zhang
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1101 (2), 192-194, 1992
Structure of the heme o prosthetic group from the terminal quinol oxidase of Escherichia coli W Wu, CK Chang, C Varotsis, GT Babcock, A Puustinen, M Wikstrom
Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (4), 1182-1187, 1992
C Varotsis, J Tecklenburg
Biochemistry 31 (41), 10054-10060, 1992
FASEB JOURNAL 6 (1), A202-A202, 1992
FASEB JOURNAL 6 (1), A204-A204, 1992
CA Varotsis
C Varotsis, GT Babcock
Biochemistry 29 (32), 7357-7362, 1990
C Varotsis, WH Woodruff, GT Babcock
Journal of Biological Chemistry 265 (19), 11131-11136, 1990
A simple mixer/jet cell for raman spectroscopic studies C Varotsis, WA Oertling, GT Babcock
Applied spectroscopy 44 (4), 742-744, 1990
A simple mixer/jet cell for raman spectroscopic studies A Oertling, G Babcock, C Varotsis
Publishing Technology, 1990
W Woodruff, G Babcock, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1990
G Babcock, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1990
W Woodruff, G Babcock, C Varotsis
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990
CA Varotsis
Michigan State University. Chemical Physics Program, 1990
C Varotsis, WH Woodruff, GT Babcock
Journal of the American Chemical Society 112 (3), 1297-1297, 1990
C Varotsis, WH Woodruff, GT Babcock
Journal of the American Chemical Society 111 (16), 6439-6440, 1989
W Woodruff, G Babcock, C Varotsis
ACS Publications, 1989
A resonance Raman study of the higher-lying electronic states of styrene vapor LD Ziegler, C Varotsis
Chemical physics letters 123 (3), 175-18